are applied only at the very beginning when the game starts. are applied (patching the memory) on every PS2 vsync, and lines which start with patch=0. if you change some option at the menu), but we try not to spam the console with these messages so we only display them once after the CRC has changed, or at least that was the intent. The message at the console indicates that the patches were loaded - not that they're being applied, and the patches are loaded on boot, pause, and on every configuration change (e.g. There's a risk that whatever gets implemented to fix this might cause First fast boot attempt: ELF starts executing before pnach loads #627's issue to start occurring in full boot mode (it currently only affects fast boot).This is the "other" full boot pnach bug I referred to in Boot (Full) fails if rebooting with a game already running #851.Oldest tested version: R5766 ( 9e1717f).ĬPU: Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4GHz GPU: XFX Radeon HD 6970 2GB GPU driver: Crimson 16.2.1 Beta OS: Windows 7 SP1.

Freezes/log errors/crashes as a result of the pnach's hacks shouldn't of occurred until after the "PlayStation 2" animation finished playing.

Both the "Sony Computer Entertainment" and "PlayStation 2" animations should've been able to playback fully, regardless of what the pnach does. The "PlayStation 2" logo animation will never be reached. Depending on your BIOS, log errors and crashes may also occur.

No options modifications affect this issue.ĭefaults (GSdx32-AVX, LilyPad, SPU2-X, cdvdGigaherz, USBnull, FWnull and DEV9ghzdrk).