As you can see in the picture, I have mine tied to my Evernote and Dropbox primarily. The next section covers the cloud services that you can tie into MailButler. Please feel free to use mine by clicking here. There is a link to share with your friends to sign up for the service. This page give you a link to access your account on the Feingeist website.

The main configuration page of MailButler is accessed by clicking on ‘preferences’ in the Mail app. I surely hope its the former and NOT the latter. I am not sure if the features will be provided as part of the current monthly fee or if it will move you into another bracket. The company assures me they are working on new feature. I am going to go over some of my favorite features. It is a pretty solid application but features are slow to be adopted. Mac Mail.app has been known for limited features. MailButler is a subscription based application but it is well worth the $8.00 a month. I was re-directed to a website and I was a bit bummed. I was using Cargo Lifter, Evermail, MailTags, Mail ActOn, & GPG When I launched Mail, it failed to load all plugins. Last week I upgraded my Mac OS X El Capitan to macOS Sierra.