Using the shower instead of the bed became available with the Discover University pack.
It gets even worse if you just have the base game, since the ability to WooHoo elsewhere like in the shower, bushes, or dumpsters only comes with packs.
The two different download options have been reduced to one, since the reason for splitting them originally had to do with the "school and extracurricular activities at the same time" limitation.As we’ve already established, Sims have rather boring WooHoo lives without mods. XML overrides have been replaced with scripts, with the exception of the one loot file that the Optional Addon "UnlimitedPTO" overrides. I'm honestly not sure if it was an issue with the previous setup, but I ran into an edge case and wanted to make sure you get the homework. This is just to make sure your sim gets the homework they are supposed to have when they join. Homework gets added if not in your inventory when you use Join School, so keep in mind if you have homework but it's placed in the world when you join, you could end up with a duplicate. You can now be in school and have extracurricular activities at the same time, as is the case without the mod. Join/Quit is now done through Join School and Quit School in Phone interactions under Career. The result is that you can still quit and you can have school and extracurricular activities at the same time! The result is also that Join/Quit are now done through two new interactions, Join School and Quit School, which show up in phone interactions under Career. What I've done now is they are no longer officially "quittable." Instead, you do a sort of cheat to bypass their quittable status and quit anyway. Previously, the way it worked is I made the school "careers" "quittable", which allowed you to quit/join them through the "job" interface, but also meant that when taking on extracurricular activities, you had to choose that or school. Version 2.0 comes with some changes to address a longstanding nuisance about quitting and joining, which I hope will make the mod more enjoyable to use. Optional Addon: Download (Simfileshare) | Download (Patreon) | UnlimitedPTO: Taking a day off school doesn't reduce the number of days off you have, so you can do it as much as you want.
Latest: v2.0.1, released after EA Patch, July 20, 2021